Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Getting the photos organized for Scrapbooking

You probably have taken loads of photos from a vacation, trips to the park, Birthday or even a Special occasion, just in this year. And I bet you have some scattered around your house from past years and you are wondering how to organize, so you get them ready to scrapbook. But don't be discouraged. Many are in the same boat. Grab your coffee and lets get to it!!

Is your goal to get them in a simple system? here it is.....
     power sort box by creative memories
This the power sort box by creative memories. It has dividers that you can label and sections you can remove to work on select projects. you can organize but dates or by occasion. If you have some information or story to tell about the pictures, it's great to jot it down on a paper and slide it into the section you are working on, so you don't forget. Now your ready to start scrapbooking. Awesome and so easy. Happy Scrappin'